Life is about making choices! Consider yesterday and count the number of decisions you took on your own. Your current life is a result of the choices you made in the past. The choices you make now will set the stage for the life you lead tomorrow.
2Sa 8:15 ERV - David ruled over all Israel, and he made good and fair decisions for all of his people.
There are seasons for every MAN. Morning, afternoon, and night, respectively.
The issue is that terrible choices made in the morning of one's life do not manifest until the evening!
Most likely, you are currently in the afternoon phase of your life. Your morning error should not turn into a nighttime regret you'll always have.
Strong decisions can alter the way your tomorrow will pan out.
Making decisions is difficult because it forces you to confront your routines and comfort zones, often in a painful way. However, it is the cost you must pay in order…
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