8 Reasons To Stop Stressing and Start Living
Kisses and Huggs Club - Today on REVIVE Devotional
8 Reasons To Stop Stressing and Start Living. Bro. Zeru went on his knees without warning, smiling.
He slowly, romantically, took out a ring and proposed.
"Are you willing to marry me?
Sister Sube closed her eyes for a moment before landing a deafening slap on the poor brother's face!
Sister Sube began.
"What have you been doing all this time? For all the endless vigils I had praying for a husband, for all the times I fasted, including dry fasts, for all the nights of desperation and depression wondering why God abandoned me, for all the times I thought I would never marry again because something was wrong with me, for all the times I nearly ended up with an unbeliever out of desperation, for all the times I thought I was not beautiful and something was wrong with me, for all the times I thought there was a generational curse and a warped lineage, take one more," and with that, she gave him one more deafening slap!
Then she smiled. “My answer is Yes, I will marry you!”
By this time, Bro. Zeru didn't know what to make of it, whether to cry or laugh.
Sister Sube pulled him up and gave him a hug. I love you too and I will marry you!….
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