Anger Management Hacks: 10 Surprising Ways To Keep Your Cool
Good morning! Today, I want to speak directly to both singles and married couples. There are things in life that work, and there are things that do not. You don't need to spend another five years experimenting to figure out what works and what doesn't. All you need is a willingness to learn. Every mistake you make has the potential to harden your heart against God, which is a tactic of the devil. Life is not meant to be permanently lived on Mistake Street by Error Avenue. Instead, you can choose to pursue wisdom and allow past mistakes to teach and instruct you.
You gain wisdom from God's word and also from His anointed ones. Here are a few things you should take note of.
1. Be Slow to Get Angry
This is what the scripture expressly advises. Many have lost precious relationships because of anger tantrums. It's okay to get angry sometimes as a human; I get angry myself sometimes. But when your anger becomes compulsive, uncontrollable, and borders…