Be Joyful To Win Or Stay Sad And Lose. There are no two ways to it, you are either a joyful being and you keep winning or you like traversing the land of depression and discouragement and you lose by default!
You will not lose! You have to decide to enjoy this journey while on it and stay joyful!
The regular happenstances seemed to be designed to bring heartaches; jilting experiences, heartbreaks, disappointments, quarrels, betrayals, emotional affairs, full-blown affairs, side chick matters, habitual cheats, and so on…
So you might seem justified to have a lousy day…but listen to me, staying sad will make you lose more, can affect your health, and steal your progress!
Decide to be happy and fun to be with!
Be Joyful To Win Or Stay Sad And Lose.
You will not lose! We have been looking at ten essential qualities for any marriage to succeed.
Today we will be looking at the last one which is Fun!
Be Joyful To Win Or Stay Sad And Lose.
Even God wants you joyful! You see, that joy is your strength! Looking morose draws tiredness and weariness!
God commands you to get up and be joyful! Take a look:
Isa 60:1 (KJV)
Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.
Now you need to read this in the Amplified version!
Isa 60:1 (AMPC)
ARISE [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you--rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!
Arise! Yes, you went through this and that! You are not alone in that bracket!
Don’t let…
Continue Reading!
Revive Day 29
REVIVE Day 29 - My Joy Will Not be Stolen!
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