In the bustling city of Lagos, Nigeria, lived a man named Chike Okonkwo. Chike was a shrewd businessman, revered for his uncanny ability to turn every venture into a goldmine. From humble beginnings, he clawed his way to the top, building an empire that spanned real estate, oil, and import-export businesses. Yet, amid his towering achievements, one thing eluded him: the love of a family.
Chike had always believed that marriage was a transaction, one that required substantial capital to be successful. He watched his peers struggle in their marriages, often due to financial woes, and vowed that he would not fall into the same trap. So, he delayed getting married, dedicating his life to amassing wealth. Even though he could afford to do a classy wedding before now, he deliberately delayed it, because he thought the more money, the more peaceful your home will be. By the time he turned forty, he was one of the richest men in Lagos, ready to find a wife.
At a lavish charity gala, Chike met Adanna, a stunning woman in her late twenties. She was not just beautiful but also intelligent and poised, with a degree from a prestigious university in England. Adanna came from a wealthy family herself, but what drew Chike to her was her charm and grace. He courted her with the fervor of a man on a mission, showering her with expensive gifts, trips abroad, and grand gestures…