Can I Find Fulfillment In My Lover or Spouse?
Kisses and Huggs Club - Today on REVIVE Devotional
Can I Find Fulfillment In My Lover or Spouse? A lot of singles and married put pressure on their loved ones more than necessary. Sometimes, we even “blame” our spouses for what they are not responsible for when we become frustrated. The reality is that your spouse won’t be able to give you everything, chiefly, fulfillment in life. The emptiness and loneliness in the soul you often feel are “attention getters” for you to get back into God like the prodigal son. The rolling with pigs that we often find ourselves in like the prodigal son cannot be sorted by a lover or spouse but only by you with your God when “you come to yourself!”
Luk 15:17 (KJV)
AND WHEN HE CAME TO HIMSELF, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!
Can I Find Fulfillment In My Lover or Spouse?
What exactly is fulfillment? Fulfillment is a unique and personal experience that represents one's sense of purpose, satisfaction, and happiness. It is a feeling of contentment that comes from aligning one's values, goals, and aspirations with the choices and actions one takes in their daily life.
The reality is that fulfillment can only come ultimately from God! Your spouse can provide support, love, companionship, and friendship and will always be there, but ultimately you must have a personal relationship with God.
This is central and pivotal. Other mini areas of getting fulfillment like career pursuits, sports, games, and so on will only find meaning after God has been found!
Decide today to go for fulfillment in God, and you will have all other areas sorted.
As singles, you have to understand this, or else, you might find yourself going from one relationship to another and yet not finding what you want! Get into…
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