Confronting The Deaf and Dump Spirit in Relationships and Marriage. Sally is engaged to George. They are so much in love or so they thought! They are planning to get married soon, however, Sally began to notice that George hardly wants to talk. She did all the talking on the phone while George simply listens. Sally was happy because she felt she was getting married to a perfect gentleman and would easily have her ways and excesses sponsored without much drama!
Eventually, they got married and discovered that the package is a two-edged sword. George does not talk much and also would not listen! He does what he wants to do, and his stubbornness has no second part!
Sally became both the talker and the listener and she eventually became frustrated!
The reality is that relationship can go on a little bit without communication but marriage cannot survive without good communication!
Confronting The Deaf and Dump Spirit
I call the cause of this anomaly in relationships and marriage, a deaf and dumb spirit. Pastor! Which one is this again?
Sometimes, the husband takes the deaf part while the wife takes the dump part, or one spouse takes both. Whichever way, the end result is mega frustration and can truncate a good love story.
Confronting The Deaf and Dump Spirit in Marriage
Revive Day 12 - Confronting The Deaf and Dump Spirit.
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