Crossing the Divide: An Entrance And A Coming. You are born again. Your spouse or fiancee is born again. You both go to church. And for that, you believe so much it’s going to be living joyfully ever after.
But it didn’t turn out to be. Issues arose. Differences spiked. Hot voluptuous words were vociferously exchanged. Things fell apart quickly and in an unbelievable happenstance, the one you loved so much became the one you are irritated with so much.
You could not reconcile the days he used to show up with chocolates and gifts with the present day he would show up with frowns and a cranky attitude.
He complains about everything.
She is so disrespectful.
He is so insensitive and uncaring.
She doesn’t know how to cook again. Her soup is now sour.
He simply deceived me. How did I fall for his lies? He really didn’t love me.
The both of you begin to wonder…
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