As believers and children of God, we are operating below capacity most times.
We often allow the pressures of life, the storms in our souls, and the weight of our needs to obfuscate the limitless, massive, and incredible arsenals sitting within us.
Our weapons are not carnal, so says the Holy Writ!
It means we may not feel anything physical, but this does not in any way diminish or reduce the power that we have at our disposal.
You need to understand that in your humanity is encapsulated the divinity.
This is the greatest mystery ever.
But that is the reality.
God has come to Tabernacle in man!
Such is unheard of in the old testament.
To think of such a thing is courting disaster.
But upon the death of Jesus, a way was made and paved for us.
As singles and married…
Important Info:
Daily Confessions For Singles and Married
Partnership with Kisses and Huggs Club
Counseling Line (Whatsapp Chats)
Join SINGLES' Hub 2 on Whatsapp
Join COUPLES’ Hub 2 on Whatsapp
Vent, Ask Questions, Reveal Secrets, and Pour Your Heart Anonymously. All issues, questions etc are treated on our programmes