The quality of your life is pegged by the quality of your thoughts. If you think you can, you are right. If you think you can’t, you are also right! Too many relationships and marriages have been ruined by the kinds of thoughts that were entertained. Thoughts are so powerful that they will eventually overwhelm your life and give your life direction.
In this devotional, we will delve into the power of thoughts and how they shape our lives. We will also explore how negative thoughts can ruin relationships and marriages, and how to stop negative thoughts.
Dealing With Negative Thoughts
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have everything they want, while others struggle to make ends meet? The answer lies in the power of thoughts. Your thoughts shape your beliefs, which in turn shape your actions. And your actions determine the quality of your life.
Dealing With Negative Thoughts
The Power of Thoughts
Thoughts are so powerful that the greatest robberies were first carried out mentally before execution. Thoughts can be so healthy that they would drive sicknesses away. Thoughts can be so sickening to the point of physical paralysis. How do you convince a man…
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