Delving into the Magic of True Love. One of the questions I asked God was, "How do I know which of the millions of guys on the planet truly loves me?" In my seriousness, I asked God to help me discern who the guy is who truly loves me. God did it. The rest is today's narrative. True love discovered me.
The question is, how do you know whether you've found true love? Everyone will tell you that you should never marry someone who does not sincerely love you. This morning, I'll teach you how to recognize true love. You can use a litmus test to determine true love. Singles can use this as a guide. Couples can use this to develop their love more!
True love can be detected no matter how well it hides itself.
Don't fall in love with anyone until you've put what appears to be love to the test.
Delving into the Magic of True Love
1. There will be commitment, not just feelings if it is true love.
Many people are persuaded, but how dedicated are they to you?
Commitment necessitates sacrifice. Is he or she prepared to make a sacrifice for you? The more the sacrifice, the greater the sincerity of the love. He doesn't actually love you if he exhibits no signals of commitment.
It is not difficult to determine commitment; merely look for…
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