What do you mean, Pastor?
I received a phone call from a lady a few years ago. On the phone, she began to bemoan God's failure to answer her prayers for a suitor and marriage. She went on and on about how she sought God's face but received no response. She stated that she had been on a seven-day fast even as we spoke, with no success.
Then she threw in a sentence that exposed her folly and ignorance.
"Even this man I'm with now hasn't said anything about marriage!" she exclaimed.
"Which man?" I inquired, curious.
"I'm in his house now, and he's just sleeping with me; he hasn't said anything about the wedding!" she explained.
Wow! She is fasting and praying, and yet she is sleeping with a married man!
God will not be mocked!
That is nothing but adultery! God frowns upon it!
Don't Frolic With Married Folks
God expects you to dedicate your life to Him.
You can't locate the correct person if you've already found the wrong one.
You cannot consistently pray for God's…
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