Today, many homes are broken because one spouse refuses to agree to the fundamentals of marriage.
This morning, I want to highlight four areas that every woman should concentrate on in order to keep her marriage strong with the help of the Holy Spirit.
1. Avoid acting as your family's head
Anyone should be able to follow the way God ordained marriage since it is so straightforward. Avoid attempting to design your own system. Chaos and calamity are the results when divine order is violated. It's only a matter of time before the marriage breaks down if you habitually and constantly reject your husband's corrections.
1 Co 11:3 GNB. But I want you to understand that Christ is supreme over every man, the husband is supreme over his wife, and God is supreme over Christ.
This is not in the sense of dominance and oppression but in the sense of divine order. Do some husbands abuse this? yes! However, the scripture is what it is!
You are acting disobediently as a woman if you submit…
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