From A Love Affair Into Marriage
Dexterity in asking a lady out is not the victory, getting married to a good woman is. Having a true help-meet in the journey of life is one the sweetest things that can ever happen to you.
Changing your status from single to "Engaged" is not yet anything to rejoice about, getting married to a good faithful, responsible man is where the victory is.
There are men who are very spiritual but are completely unromantic. They don't know more than to be quoting Bible.
Such men will have Bible study first upon any meeting before they even greet you. It is good. You are a spirit but don't forget you are living here on earth.
From A Love Affair Into Marriage
It is true that marriage is made in heaven, but it is also a truism that it is lived on earth.
On the other side of the divide, there are those who are very romantic, but their spiritual life is a write-off.
The most beautiful thing then is to have a romantic and spiritual partner!
The first and major step is to become that yourself. Become…
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