How To Get Rid Of Bad Habits And Addictions. Negativity seems to be the norm in the world we live in. We acquire various habits as we grow older, such as drinking, smoking, gambling, masturbating, and seeing pornography, especially before getting born again. Most of the time, these practices are unhealthy for us.
In his generosity, God has not abandoned us defenseless. He has offered a solution to every sticky issue we might encounter. In actuality, He has already achieved victory for us.
The devil only wants to take advantage of our ignorance. We don't read God's word, therefore we continue to be uninformed. The more Scripture we consume, the more victory we can experience in God.
Sinful patterns and bad behaviors need to be actively changed if you want anything to change.
Here are a few strategies for handling any persistent sin in your life.
Getting Rid Of Bad Habits And Addictions
1. Tell God the truth
This is the initial action. God expects you to be truthful with him. For God to assist you, you must be honest. Do not attempt to trick God. He is aware of everything and wants you to be accountable.
Because of this, He questioned Adam, "Where art thou?"
Be not fooled; God is not…
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