Girding Your Mind's Loins in Marriage
I'm sure you've seen the phrase where the mind goes and the man follows before. You've probably heard it and similar expressions a lot.
These are excellent phrases. We're going to look at how crucial it is to gird your mental loins. How to accept responsibility and regain control of your mind.
Our scripture will be taken from
I kg 18:46 KJV
And the hand of the Lord was on Elijah; and he girded up his loins, and ran before Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel.
Girding Your Mind's Loins in Marriage
God was preparing to grant Elijah incredible speed, but he had to gird his loins.
It was something the Holy Spirit would not do on his behalf. You must accept responsibility for your own thoughts.
Negative thoughts can obstruct God's operation in your life and marriage.
Girding your loins, as Elijah did, meant tying up all the loose…
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