How Marriage Affairs and Adultery Begin
As a marriage counselor, I've had to mediate conflicts between various couples over the years. One significant concern is affairs or adultery.
This does not only apply to nonbelievers. There is also adultery within the church.
An affair is defined as a sexual relationship, romantic friendship, or passionate attachment between two people that occurs without the other spouse's knowledge.
Nobody is exempt from having an affair. Nothing can ever justify an affair. God frowns upon it, and we do also on Kisses and Huggs Club
Why do affairs occur?
The answer is not far-fetched once we identify the main reason.
How Marriage Affairs and Adultery Begin
1. A forewarning and a wake-up call
Some people have affairs solely to "warn" their spouse and show them what they are capable of. Can you outdo that?
When you try to warn or return to your…
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