How To Be Honest With Your Spouse. Honesty! It is one of the secrets of a successful relationship and marriage! Are you aware that most relationships broke, and most marriages are terminated because one or both spouses were not honest? Oh yes!
Why is this so crucial? I will tell you! It is because honesty strengthens marriages by strengthening trust!
Trust is so pivotal to any successful marriage, that you can’t trifle with it! What makes trust real is honesty!
We have been looking at ten qualities that all singles and couples will need in their relationship or marriage
Today we continue with the next which is Honesty! How To Be Honest With Your Spouse
For singles, the greatest blessing you can have is to be in love with someone who is honest! It will eliminate unnecessary hassles and heartache. If you have not met anybody yet, you can begin to pray for this quality! God answers prayers!
You won’t have to discover shocking things after the wedding because your lover would have opened up to you before then.
It can be frustrating to keep discovering some new funny things every other day in marriage.
For couples, be honest in every area! Take a look at this scripture.
Eze 45:10 (MSG)
Use honest scales—honest weights and honest measures.
A scale is a system used to measure. The weight is what you measure. The measures are the units that express weight!
God said everything must be honest! What this portends is that there should be total honesty in every area of your life.
Revive Day 25
REVIVE Day 25 - Give Me A Honest Spirit, O Lord!
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