There is a stirring in my heart to see couples who are unwaveringly loyal and committed to each other.
When the covenant of marriage is maximized, this is the true meaning of marriage. When two hearts beat in unison.
When partners play games with each other, the power of the marriage relationship is diminished. Couples are to be open, honest, and transparent with one another.
When they are not completely focused on one other and are not on the same page, their strength cannot be amplified.
The Bible says in
Ecclesiastic 4:9 (ERV)
Two people are better than one. When two people work together, they get more work done.
The KJV translation
Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.
God loves oneness. His presence, power, and majesty will be released.
God desires that the power of the godhead be mirrored in marriages. He desires that all marriages reflect His…
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