Over the years, from counseling experiences, and even from the scriptures, one surefire reason for a marriage to fail is a lack of mentoring or tutelage.
God's kingdom is so intricately planned that you are not expected to remain isolated.
Here's what God says:
God setteth the solitary in families: he bringeth out those which are bound with chains: but the rebellious dwell in a dry land. (Psalms 68:6 KJV)
In His wisdom, God has surrounded us not only with physical families but also with spiritual families. You must be able to recognize and stay with your spiritual family.
God has placed a man or woman over you to whom you can seek knowledge and who will be able to speak into your life during storms.
There are times when you are confronted with a problem, but the solution is only a sentence or two away in the lips of a God-anointed servant.
How to Become Responsible Lovers
This is why I am often afraid of couples who have no one to hold them accountable. I am often afraid of couples that do not have mentors. Someone correctly…
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