Where does life come from? Where does death come from? What is the part of our lives we must guard most? What is that one area we should pay utmost attention to? What is the area we should invest in most in order to have a successful relationship that will lead to a wedding and eventually a great marriage?
Well the twenty-third verse of chapter four of the Proverbs tells us
Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.
This is where life issues from! Incidentally, death will come from here as well. It depends on whether you guard your heart or it's a free for all thing.
The Amplified version even illustrates further;
Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life.
How To Guard Your Love
You are to guard it above all you guard!
In other words, the security apparel you deploy to your heart should be more than those at the gate of your house!
Pay attention to your heart!
Who do you talk to? Those you talk to are those who…
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