Most of us have lied at some point in our lives, but that doesn’t necessarily make us vulnerable to the devil. The scripture above speaks about those who make lying a habit, even when there’s nothing to gain.
If you’re already in the habit of lying, even as a single person, you’re setting yourself up for insincerity in marriage. Why? Because the same heart that lies now will be the same heart you take into your relationship, except you allow Jesus do a heart surgery for you.
This is dangerous because the Bible clearly shows us who the devil is:
John 8:44 (GW) You come from your father, the devil, and you desire to do what your father wants you to do. The devil was a murderer from the beginning. He has never been truthful. He doesn't know what the truth is. Whenever he tells a lie, he's doing what comes naturally to him. He's a liar and the father of lies.
Let’s analyse it this way: if you have a close relationship with your biological father, he might visit you occasionally. But if the devil is your "father," he won’t just visit—he’ll move in and make himself at home in your life.
So how do you break free from this terrible habit?