1. Express and Articulate Your Love Constantly
This may not really sound as important to menfolk, but I can tell you as a marriage counselor that it is a big deal for ladies.
One woman bitterly complained that the only problem she had with her husband was that he never says "I love you!"
The man went to a recording studio and recorded a seventy-minute audio of his voice repeatedly saying "I love you!"
He took this CD and presented it to his wife.
"Hey dear, my pepperento potatoe, anytime you want to hear me say that, just play this CD!
The wife took it from him, broke it into two, and threw it out of the window.
The man was furious.
The wife said calmly, "I didn't marry the CD, I married you and I want to hear it from you."
And that is the way it is.
Dear husbands, your wife needs…
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