I wish my husband understood this. The time and attention principle. Following God, the next person you should spend time with is your spouse! Spending time with her is so important that you don't even want to think about what will happen if you don't spend enough time with her. The scripture indicates that after God created man, He would leave His throne and come down to the garden in the cool of the day to commune with man!
Now read this carefully: "If you don't spend enough time with her, there will be problems!"
I've been coaching couples for over two decades and can tell you that this is one area that many people miss and which the devil has extensively exploited as a route into marital seclusion.
I Wish My Husband Understood This
Consider this:
How did Satan ensnare Eve? He made time for her! Why was Eve so frail? When the devil appeared, Adam was not spending time with her!
Even while some men are spending significant…
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