If This Happens, He Doesn’t Love You. One of the most unpleasant and draining sensations is falling in love with someone who is uninterested in you.
It is an abusive relationship where one will chase after the other, with no chance of ever catching up. One is authentic, living authentically, while the other is merely playing games.
Unfortunately, the one who is genuine will be saddened when the milk spills, while the other is unbothered.
Here are five signs that a man isn't interested in you.
If This Happens, He Doesn’t Love You.
He rarely calls, and when he does, it is to obtain something from you.
People who don't care about you will rarely stay in touch because they care about you; they will only stay in touch to acquire what they want. When they see that they are not going to get what they want, they drop you like a hot potato.
Communication is essential to the success of any relationship or marriage. If your sweetheart has not been in constant communication and
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