Is Your Wife's Spirit Closed Against You?
One of the most unpleasant points in a marriage is when a wife closes down her spirit.
Women are often more profound than men.
What a man may dismiss as a harmless jest may cause a lady to suffer for days.
What you believe is a joke could become a source of contention in your marriage if you are not careful.
Amo 3:3 (KJV)
Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
How will they move forward, how will they grow, and how will progress be made until they agree?
Is Your Wife's Spirit Closed?
When a wife closes her spirit, prayers become ineffective, fasting becomes ineffective, and God's favor is not assured.
What are they?
What are the telltale symptoms that a wife's spirit has closed?
If you can locate two or three of the following, you should pay attention to your marriage and your wife.
1. She begins to criticize you
She used to be a fan of yours. She used to approach problems objectively. She used to give advice in her own unique style. But, over time, if you see she is simply criticizing, without really considering what you are saying, she is undoubtedly upset.
2. You disagree on everything.
When nothing you say makes sense, she rejects…
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