The greatest consummation of love yet remains that which you do with the lover of your soul. Did the Holy Writ not rightly say that He is our husband?
Isaiah 54:5 (KJV)
For thy Maker is thine husband...
Until this consummation happens, you don’t really know Him yet. It is beyond a romantic adventure, it is a covenant marked by circumcision of the heart!
I presume God wants his love consummated with you so that you can conceive of Him and you can bring forth that which He desires.
There is a place where the intercourse must take place, it is the place of worship, a place of diving into Him, a place of getting lost in His glory!
In that place, you are taken beyond the third heavens, you actually go into the very throne of God to obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need for…
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