Romantic and marital relationships can be interesting!
When two people fall in love, they seem to lose the ability to reason.
You close your eyes to obvious discrepancies, you ignore visible faults and you even disregard counsel, all because you are in love.
Well, like they say, Marriage is always an eye-opener!
Your eyes will open!
But one needs not to wait till then.
I want to attempt to show you three areas where you need to make decisions in the midst of your romantic and marital adventures. These are also relevant to married couples.
Love Lifeline: 3 Crucial Choices
1. Happy, Fulfilled, and Scriptural
Both of you must agree that all decisions made should be scriptural and should leave you happy and fulfilled.
Anything that leaves you guilty, sad, and regretting is a red light!
Both of you must commit to ensuring you do all needed to have a successful relationship.
Be it prayer, fasting, learning, reading…
Revive Conversations on Tuesdays!
Vent Anonymously, Seek Counsel
Vent, Ask Questions, Reveal Secrets, and Pour Your Heart Anonymously. All issues, questions etc are treated on REVIVE Conversations on Tuesdays
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