Marriages Under Pressure. If you have any of the below wives, then you must work more on your marriage and pray more in your marriage. Interestingly, the weaknesses are actually strength turned inward. So, you want to help bring the best out of your spouse!
1. The Choleric Blooded Wife
She is reputed to be vivacious, quick-witted, emotionless in her speech and deeds, and capable of surviving on her own.
She doesn't require outside inspiration or encouragement. She has a tendency to be quite independent, which can cause conflict in relationships.
A choleric wife typically has a temperamentally opposed husband. They should therefore learn to play to their abilities and to hide their deficiencies.
Marriages Under Pressure
2. The Career-Oriented Wife
A woman at the pinnacle of her profession has a tendency to become haughty if caution is not exercised.
In order to allow his wife to pursue her professional goals to their fullest potential, the husband must feel safe.
Some husbands may feel so frightened by their wives…
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