Now, This You Should Do. One of the greatest things every couple should do is pray!
This is so important, and how I wish you can understand the weight of it.
But before I go on, I want to appreciate everybody for the show of love for Father's Day and all the wishes.
Such a joy that so many lives are being touched by our ministry.
However, as Apostle Paul said, Pray for us and continue to pray for us. Every day, mention us in your prayers. Our ministry is so significant to many lives, many relationships, and many marriages, so many people let me know this is the only devotional they have been using for years… the devil is not going to be happy about that and he would try a lot of things just as he has been trying all kind of stuff.
But he is defeated; continue to pray for us, for our home, family, children, marriage, finances, and ministry.
It has not been easy doing this, writing daily for nearly a decade, strengthening homes and families at no cost. You will never have an idea about the price…
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