Okay, so how do we shake off these negative feelings and truly believe we’re worthy of love? Here are some simple, practical steps that can help:
◇ Write It Down
Grab a notebook (or your phone) and start jotting down what makes you unique and lovable. It could be your sense of humor, your creativity, or your ability to listen when someone needs to vent. Seeing these qualities in black and white can help you realize just how amazing you really are.
◇ Practice Positive Affirmations
It may sound cheesy, but trust me, affirmations work. Start your day by telling yourself, “I am loved, I am worthy, and I am enough.” The more you say it, the more it sinks in. This helps rewire your brain to embrace the truth of who you are, rather than the lies you’ve believed.
◇ Surround Yourself with Support
This one's huge. We all need a squad that lifts us up. Hang out with people who remind you of your worth—friends, family, or even a mentor. A good community can help reinforce your sense of belonging, especially when you’re feeling like you don’t measure up.