Respect As Singles and Couples
Let's dive into the respect pool, especially regarding our men. Like, seriously, why is respect such a big deal for them?
It's not about whether your guy is a superhero or not. It's more about God's grand plan – respect and honor are the secret sauce to keeping the relationship vibe alive.
Living life by God's rules is like sticking to a recipe. No arguing, no adding your secret spices – just follow the script. And guess what? Your opinion doesn't get a starring role. It's all about playing by God's rules.
Now, for all you single ladies out there, respect isn't just a married folks' thing. It starts way back in courtship. If you're dissing your dude-to-be now, turning into a respect queen will be difficult after tying the knot.
And hey, respect and submission are not forced on anyone. The Bible's like, "Respect and submit to your hubby." Simple, right? So if a guy is not who you can respect, honor, and admire to the point of…