The ultimate place God wants you to be in any relationship or marriage is that place where you love THE RIGHT towards your spouse and you hate THE WRONG towards your spouse!
What will that do?
It will cause God to anoint you with an oil that will give you leverage and space in your career business, ministry or whatever you do!
Really, Pastor? Do you mean how I treat my spouse has something to do with my productivity? Exactly Yes!
See it in the scripture before you start wondering “What is Pastor teaching again o?
Rights and Wrongs of Relationship and Marriage
Psalms 45:7 (MSG)
You love the right and hate the wrong. And that is why God, your very own God, poured fragrant oil on your head, Marking you out as king from among your dear companions.
Do you see what it says right there? If you love the right and hate the wrong towards your lover or spouse, there is a release of fragrant oil on your head! The oil is to make you…
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