In a village surrounded by rolling hills and lush greenery, a young woman named Deborah was known for her beauty and intelligence. Despite her many admirable qualities, Deborah remained unmarried at twenty-nine, yearning for companionship and the joys of family life. This story explores her journey from rejection to revelation, where she learns the true essence of love and companionship.
The Quest for Companionship
Deborah’s single status was not due to a lack of suitors. Over the years, many men sought her hand in marriage, including Ade, the charming trader; Kola, the hardworking farmer; and Tobi, the scholarly teacher. However, Deborah found reasons to reject them all, feeling increasingly isolated and questioning whether her standards were too high or if true love was merely a myth.
Seeking Wisdom
Driven by frustration and the whispers of the village women, Deborah decided to visit her older and wiser friend, Aunty Nike, who had been happily married for fifteen years. Aunty Nike’s home…