In marriage, you only have to choose once. Circumstances emerge that present an opportunity to choose again, and even again, but those experiences are not what you pray for, and they usually come with unpleasant accomplices. Nobody prays for the loss of a spouse, separation, or divorce.
Ideally, you are stuck in a marriage with that fellow. You better choose wisely if you are still single.
And if you have chosen, decide to make it work and go the long haul.
Marriage is not designed with reverse gear except in very extreme cases.
The Reluctance to Change In Marriage
I am over fifty, and my wife is almost fifty, and we have not really changed. We only become “mature” in our tendencies.
It’s as simple as that. I am still as playful and funny as I used to be. She is still as “reserved’ as she used to be.
Yes, she borrows my playfulness a few times, as occasions demand, but she is essentially who she is. Reserved.
I borrow her reservation, a couple of times…
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