The Rose and The Lily of Our Love Life
Ade and Sade! What a rhyme in their nomenclature! The rotundity of her backside gives you goose pimples. The strength of veins in his arm tickled your insides. Their love seemed made out of the very heavens, when they met! Everything seemed to click. The lips, hips and tips all fell in place! Their heats would vibrate upon setting eyes on each other! They eventually got married, and then the winds and the storms arrived in quick successions. Their love were tried. They vacillated between the cross road of “ Irreconcilable differences” and “My marriage will not crash”
Their love became doubtful. They spoke angrily to each other. Hot words were thrown as arrows, causing damages within.
What happened?
The Rose and The Lily of Our Love Life
They started with the rose but could not handle the lily!
The rose of Sharon talks about the beauty, the effulgence of cuteness and prettiness all rolled together. This is what often bring you together…
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