In a village nestled deep within the heart of the African savannah, there lived a young woman named Amina. She was known for her gentle spirit and radiant smile that could light up the darkest corners of anyone’s heart. Yet, behind her cheerful facade lay a hidden anguish that weighed heavily on her soul.
Amina was married to Malik, a respected hunter in the village. At first, their union seemed destined for bliss as they danced under the moonlit skies and shared dreams of a future filled with love and prosperity. But as time passed, Malik’s demeanor changed. His once tender words turned into harsh commands, and his touch became a source of fear rather than comfort.
Unknown to the villagers, behind closed doors, Malik’s rage knew no bounds. He would unleash his fury on Amina, leaving her with bruises that marred her delicate skin and wounds that scarred her spirit. Amina, with tears hidden behind her eyes…