This Life No Balance? So brilliant, but jobless. So gifted, but largely unknown. So cute, but no husband. So responsible, but wifeless.
Anything out of balance becomes dangerous. A car out of balance can have an accident. Same way, a marriage out of balance can have marital accidents. Just like vehicles can be tagged accidented, marriages can be tagged accidented as well. Relationships can be tagged accidented! At such times, the status becomes “It’s complicated!”
A man can be handsome but very wicked.
That is why the scripture talks about evil men and froward men.
A lady can be so beautiful yet empty-headed. The scripture validates that as well.
Proverbs 11:22 (MSG)
Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful face on an empty head.
This Life No Balance?
So people would often say humorously, “This life no balance!”
It is true that a life without God “no go fit…
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