Three Love Lessons You Can't Miss
1. Love can be intoxicating
"Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine." (Son 1:2, KJV)
Love can be like wine. It can be intoxicating. It can make you lose all sense of logic. It can make you disown friends and even family members sometimes.
Before you taste the wine of love, know what you are doing and that you are of age.
Before you allow him to kiss you with the kisses of the mouth, make sure you are married. When you get intoxicated at the wrong time, it can really be counter-productive.
The Bible says it is not good for man to be alone, but it is perfect for boys to be alone. You can be thirty-five and still be a boy if you have not learned how to delay gratification.
In marriage, the wine can often go low and so the couple must do…
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