The deliverer’s greatest struggle is the deliverance within! Perhaps, that would be the greatest lesson from the life Mobhad, the young singer who just died. He was in the music industry, bringing fun, music, and excitement to others, while he was dying inside from harassment, bullying, and attacks from those he trusted. May God comfort his family.
Perhaps he tried to talk, but I doubted whether he actually spoke to those who could really help! It was a case of bringing fun to others while dying and eventually dying in the process.
A lot of Pastors are on this table. Preaching, teaching vibrating and yet dying slowly within, often with nobody to talk to! You see your greatest mistake would be not to seek help! A lot of young couples are sitting nicely on this table, watching their homes torn apart slowly and yet refusing to do the right thing!
Yes, it is possible. A person can be so proud that the pride rides him into the grave. The devil’s method is to keep you muted till you are lifeless. That will not be your portion!
Job was once frustrated He was bringing hope to many, being the greatest man in the East, and yet when he was at his lowest ebb, his friend disappointed him so much so that he said,
Job 16:2b (KJV) miserable comforters are ye all.
Have you ever been surrounded by the wrong comforters who bring more misery? Not all your friends can help you!
When The Deliverer Needs Deliverance
I was on this table sometimes back. I was dealing with a serious issue…
Myself and Pastor Sophia have something beautiful for you. Check it below: