Here are a few reasons why you should not leave your marital bed.
Son 2:15
Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.
I want us to take note of three points from the preceding scripture.
1. Take these little foxes.
2. The foxes are little, insignificant issues.
3. Our vines, (marriage) have tender grapes.
Marriage has the ability to produce tremendous results when we operate it with biblical principles.
I want to emphasize that godly ideals are not always easy.
Why You Shouldn't Leave Your Matrimonial Bed
The following are some legitimate reasons why either the wife or husband would leave their marital bed:
1. My spouse snores and sleeps restlessly. I can't function without a decent night's sleep.
2. My wife has just put to bed. She requires ample space to nurse our child.
3. Because I require privacy, let us have…
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